Cognitive Slapstick: What
Audience Laughter Reveals about “Theory of Mind”
C. B. Davis, Ph.D.
Comedy, whether “stand-up” monologue or theatrical presentation is
arguably the most overtly interactive of performance genres. As such it
provides a promising but extremely problematic test case for the evaluation of
audience reception theories. Audiences for comedic plays and monologues expect
to laugh together involuntarily, and this spontaneous laughter is generally
taken to be the sign of a performance’s intended s success. Theories of humor
and empirical research on laughter have until recently focused on the cognitive
capabilities involved in appreciating humor (Gruner, Dzemiok, Krichtafovitch, McGhee,
Chapman and Foot et. al.) but recent inter-disciplinary studies indicate
clearly that most human laughter (as much as 80 per cent) occurs not in
response to humor, but in everyday social situations (Provine, Gervais, Rutter).
How do the cognitive triggers for laughter intersect with the affective social
reasons, where do they overlap and how do they differ? While ephemeral and hard
to pinpoint, social factors are almost always involved in both the initial stimulation
and subsequent contagion of audience laughter. Is there an observable way to
separate, for example, the cognitive task of recognizing incongruity and
resolving it, from the accompanying social stimuli for laughter? If both “getting
it” cognitively and “feeling it” socially are necessary conditions for
eliciting spontaneous contagious laughter, how does one explain those rare occasions
when we laugh alone or the occasional lone laughs that burst forth from
sincerely amused (and often quickly stifled) individuals?
My essay will explore how two
ostensibly opposed and rival versions of “Theory of Mind” can be applied to the
audience dynamics for comedy. I will
first outline the ways in which Theory-Theory or Folk Psychology (Carruthers,
Nichols and Stich, Gopnik and Wellman,) and
Simulation Theory or sensorimotor mirroring (Gallese and Goldman, Gordon
1995, Harris ) would differ in their explanations of
the stimuli or triggers for laughter. My purpose in this comparative investigation
is to show that the trigger situation that explains the widest range of
involuntary “laughters” involves both falsification of belief representations
(TT) and empathetic projection or sensorimotor mirroring.(ST). This is in
response to colleagues who have, I feel, latched onto the simulationist “motor
equivalence” explanation of empathy and mindreading too unproblematically
(McConachie, Rokotnitz et al.) Applied
to appreciation of comedy, what insights does Simulation provide over Theory
Theory explanations? Intuitively, the difference between physical or non-verbal
comedy and jokes seems relevant. From the viewpoint of embodied cognition, verbal
comedy might be explained as metaphorical extensions of what trigger laughter in physical comedy, but
even with slapstick that doesn’t automatically rule out the perhaps crucial
involvement of generalized behavior recognition through “theory –theory” or
“belief representations” related to social cognition and understanding
In his essay, “Falsifiable Theories
for Theatre and Performance Studies” Bruce McConachie (2007) equates “social
cognition” with Simulation and implicitly harmonizes the nature of Jeannerod
and Jacob’s visuomotor representations with Gallese’s work on mirror neurons. Such
links gloss over substantial controversy about simulation as a route to empathy
and about the relationship between mirror neurons, the human motor system, and
the understanding of intentions. Jeannerod himself has pointed out repeatedly
that because a given action can be originated by very different
intention, a simple motor equivalence is of no help in disambiguating them. Gallese and Goldman try to solve this
problem by theorizing that the statistical frequency of action sequences (the
detection of what most frequently follows what) as they are habitually
performed or observed in the social environment, can constrain preferential
paths of inferences/predictions. But
while the prediction of a subsequent action might lead to understanding of
motor intentions or proximal goals, it does not seem enough in itself to enable
understanding of an other’s “ prior, social or communicative intentions” (Jacob
& Jeannerod). Naomi Rokotnitz also tilts
her characterization of audience reception away from Theory Theory “This
simulation involves neither overt knowledge nor conscious inference but is
achieved by physically participating
in the observed actions. The role of abstract theorizing in ascribing mental
states to the actions of others is largely overtaken by attention to the embodied mechanisms of cognition” (
McConachie & Hart, 2006,135). If simulation is the basic or predominate way we understand
the intentions and beliefs of others, it applies to humor and the trigger for
laughter as well as its social contagiousness.
The prediction of
behavior and the understanding of intentions are relevant to the trigger for
laughter because these tools seem precursors to recognizing the social incongruity factor in laugh
elicitation (Gervais and Wilson, et al). But as Noel Carroll points out, “…for
something to be incongruous requires that we be able to point in the direction
of something else to which it stands in some sort of relation of structured contrast or conflict
(above and beyond mere difference or lack of connection)” (Carroll 328). This
version of incongruity seems sympathetic to Theory-Theory in needing an
information base, but in order to say this Carroll has to deny true incongruity
to nonsense and non sequiturs, both of which may elicit laughter, particularly
in children. If non-sequitur is not true incongruity, it may developmentally be
a sort of pre- or “baby incongruity.” Carroll would no doubt object, but even tickling
and peek-a-boo have an element of incongruity, and specifically they are primal
examples of social incongruity: you
can neither tickle yourself nor play peek-a-boo alone. In tickling, the
incongruity results from the conflict between the involuntarily reaction to an
attack in a vulnerable area of the body and the simultaneous realization that
the attack is “in play”, or not really threatening (Koestler, Schultz). If the
tickler is unfamiliar to the infant/“ticklee”, the baby’s fight or flight response
kicks in and with it a cry of alarm rather than laughter’s signal that
“everything’s ok!” The incongruity inherent to peek-a-boo has to do with the
developmental threshold of the awareness of object permanence. If mother did not reappear, crying rather than
laughter would follow. A pratfall or similar mistake strikes the laugher as an
incongruity because it is either unexpected or because it is anticipated as a possible error. The
reason that broad physical comedy is so basic and universal may be that the
displacement activity of laughter has been hard-wired in us since the early and
doubtless awkward stages of bipedalism, an instance of phylogeny paralleling
ontogeny in the way infants learn to walk by trial and error! Throwing a child
into the air and catching them elicits laughter if the adult is trusted, as
does mock predation (“I’m gonna’ get
you”) and other forms of rough-house play, which also elicits the proto-laugh
display in apes. So the screams of laughter associated with the incongruity of
it somehow being safe to be attacked,
chased or falling are a developmental stage in the appreciation of not only
incongruity but pretend play and the capacity for pretense in general.
But does believing
that one is safe require the concept of belief? For the child in his parents
arms, the answer would seem to be no. None of these primary laughter-eliciting
behaviors (tickling, peek-a-boo or rough-house play) or subsequent infant
laughter at slapstick-like physical mishaps would seem to involve being able to
attribute belief, even to oneself. Yet
the attribution of errors or false beliefs to other agents has been postulated
to be one of three indispensible requirements for the elicitation of laughter.
According to by evolutionary psychologist William Jung, this falsification of
beliefs must also be accompanied by empathy or understanding (not sympathy) for
the agents involved, and at least a neutral attitude toward those who undergo
positive vs. negative changes of status or well being. But the most inclusive
of these criteria is falsification of a belief, which aptly covers a wide range
of phenomenon singled out in other less parsimonious theories of humor. For example,
Incongruity or Surprise theories describe a situation in which the subject
forms an expectation and that is then falsified by the second (the incongruous)
aspect that was absent in the expectation (Jung 225). The Superiority theory (Gruner,
Buckley) .is accounted for with the falsification of a belief because the
winner and loser of the conflict can be an agent as in a put-down, or a point
of view as in a punch-line style re-interpretation of events. Jung even
suggests that most of casual conversational laughter occurs in situations that
somehow involve the act of falsifying beliefs, expectations or intentions, e.g.
the surprise meetings, insults “in jest” or children making unexpected and
socially inappropriate things pronouncements (Jung 226, 228). But first I will
consider how ST and TT handle the other two of Jung’s criteria for triggering
laughter, which are less general but even more slippery: Empathy and what he
unhelpfully calls “Sympathetic Instant Utility.” The two overlap considerably,
the latter being a vague sense that the laugher is not negatively disturbed by
the lowering of status of an agent or point of view.
The literature of cognitive studies
is filled with conflicting, contrasting and conflated definitions of not only
empathy and “off-line” simulation but behavior prediction, “mind-reading”,
emotional contagion, role playing, and the act (or concept) of pretense. There
is no room here to review arguments about what exactly the term Empathy is
meant to cover, but the two major explanations of mind-reading and belief
attribution are simulation-based (ST) and information based (TT). In Goldman’s
simulationist account of empathy, for example, the subject takes the
perspective of another person, then a pretend-state generator feeds into our
emotional response system. The emotional response system operates on that
pretend state, just as it would operate if the state were real. Goldman distances
empathy from having to have a knowledge base by conceiving it as “a special
case of the simulation process in which the output states are affective or
emotional states rather than purely cognitive or conative states like believing
or desiring” (1993, p. 141). In the Theory Theory explanation of empathy, the emotional
response system receives input from the subject's beliefs and memories.
Empathic responses might arise when the subject is reminded of events in her
past similar to those of the object of empathy. Of course, this process of
`remembering' analogous past experiences need not be fully conscious or
voluntary(Carruthers 21).; and there is no evidence that such associations are
a slower process than simulation. Seana Coulson has proposed an
incongruity theory of humor that relies on Turner and Fauconnier, in which two
incongruous mental spaces are activated at once, and resolved in the blend. If
the complexity of conceptual blending can operate at great speed unconsciously,
why would Simulation be faster, especially if there is any efferent motor
“copying” involved.
Another point that seems glossed
over in simulationist accounts of empathy is that of the difference between the
understanding of other’s intentions and the prediction of their behavior.
It has been demonstrated that before young children are able to reason about
beliefs, they can represent goals and intentions (Frith and Frith, 2003; Saxe
et al., 2004) and accomplish joint attention with an
understanding of gaze direction, attention and even pretense. (Tomasello). Nevertheless, in
the early 1980s, the psychologists H. Wimmer and J. Perner showed that a
full-fledged TOM and with the ability to pass the False belief Task doesn’t
develop before the age of 3 to 4.
Zoologist Basil Hugh Hall’s “displacement”
theory of laughter implies that Empathy is at least sometimes the cause that
triggers the momentary ambivalence that is often interpreted as the result of recognizing
incongruity. In Hall’s explanation, this momentary state of ambivalence is
analogous to the sort of situations that trigger the “fight or flight”
response. Hall’s theory postulates that laughter evolved from a basic “fight or
flight” vocal displacement activity. Laughter is then “the displacement of emotive neural activity, on the
fear (negative) side of approach and avoidance motivations, when it is denied
expression by opposition or redundancy.” The two possible emotive responses to
an approach/avoidance conflict are some degree of fear or aggression. If as
Hall suggests, that laughter is a displacement of fear he is line with “Relief”
theories of humor (Freud et al), but would seem to ignore the aggressive aspects
of insult humor and slapstick. But from here Hall makes an intriguing leap to
an entirely new perspective on the persistent “Superiority” theories of humor. When
we laugh at someone else’s misfortune or mistake, etc. Hall suggests that we
are not laughing from relief but because the simulated emotions of fear pain or
startle are at odds with our “safe” position in the situation, hence the
redundancy of the emotion. But it seems clear that when realization of that
redundancy hits, it is, after all, a form of relief. The most profound aspect
of Hall’s revision of the Superiority Theory is the idea that those who laugh
at the inferiority or degradation of others are actually more afraid than
aggressive. Because empathy is automatic, those who laugh at the unfortunate
cannot help putting themselves in the situation of those they are belittling,
and thus what Hall calls the “emotive weight” behind their laughter is fear
rather than aggression.
Considering the evidence from
developmental studies together with ideas from evolutionary psychology I have
now briefly sketched in some possible variables in the trigger for laughter: the
recognition and tolerance of ambiguity, the ability for pretense, empathy or
understanding for the agents or their stand-in POVs, and the ability to
attribute beliefs (especially false beliefs). The laugher must also have certain
equanimity about the incongruity and its resolution, whether the conflict is
one of sense, behavior, or beliefs and desires. I have not specified much of
the social context relevant to laughter, other than the fact that it is a
reflex that has become largely ritualized across cultures in similar ways,
creating allowances for certain kinds of social faux paux to become humorous
(Gervais and Wilson). The ritualization of laughter also eventually evolved
into the ability to produce controlled, polite or tactical nervous laughter
called “non-Duchenne” which does not involve the eye muscles as does the involuntary
Duchenne variety. However, even though humans have the ability to chuckle
politely on purpose, most of social laughter is genuinely involuntary, and thus
a reliable sign that someone is not being deceptive. Sociable occasions
attended by groups of friends are the most fertile ground for laughter to both
start and become contagious, and most comedy audiences fit this description
(Rutter). The division of Duchenne and non-Duchenne laughter leaves the
different kinds of spontaneous
laughter unclassified, kinds defined by strength, duration and other qualities,
and by the degree to which laughers lose
control of their muscles. None of these variations however affect the variables
of the trigger. Now, what can these variables and parameters tell us about the relative
validity of Simulation and Theory Theory? Instead of analyzing a
variety of jokes to find the most parsimonious theoretical explanation for the
elements of the laugh trigger, let us consider the negative example, the laid
egg, the dud, the act of bombing.
The Trigger for Laughter: The Negative Example
“An individual has only
his or her personal taste, and his or her individual sense of humor. With a
whole audience to play to, invariably there’ll be someone who’ll be chuckling
away at what B is doing, and providing that other people can see the joke, that
original laugh will be quite contagious” (Wright 186).
In the above quote from his practical book on physical
comedy, John Wright (of Trestle Theatre Company and Told by an Idiot,) states
the obvious in a productive way. A crowd of people increases the possible
laughs that can be instigated especially by a flexible, interactive performer,
who (like all good clowns) is sensitive to what the audience thinks, is funny.
While the odds are also better in an amiable crowd that laughter will be
contagious, even a single laugher can get a ripple started, but only as Wright
reminds us, “providing that other people can see the joke” (186). I am one of
those people who not only laughs when alone but sometimes in public when no one
else does. Sometimes mine and other people’s solo laughter has helped
performers get a rapport going with reticent or sleepy audiences, but no matter
how contagious a single laugh, it will not even prime for the next one unless
others also see the joke. Directors and comic performers know that the
difference between getting a laugh and not is sometimes a matter of punctuation
through expression, gesture, a slight change in the inflection of the voice or
the timing of the moment. A very funny line can easily be flubbed, or lost
between laughs if the performer is not spontaneously adapting with the give and
take of talk and laughter that is also a part of our everyday conversational
Imagine that a joke or comic moment that has never failed
to get a laugh falls flat for the first time. Depending on the skill of the
comedian the failed joke may still be an opportunity for a laugh, but why did
it fail this time? The comedian can blame the audience for being slow or not
having a sense of humor, but if they are catching most of the jokes, then it is
harder to lay the blame on the spectators. If the comedian executed the bit in
precisely the same way that it has always worked and the audience laughed at
everything else, the only conclusion is that there is something taking place on
an interactive level, a mysterious nullification or subtraction that is somehow
making the moment less than the sum of its parts. Is the laughter or lack thereof predictable, in theory,
provided we could pinpoint all the possible variable causal factors? In order
to understand why a potential laugh is not “triggered” I will look at the usual
reasons someone finds an intended joke unfunny or misses the attempt entirely. Now
we can more specifically ask “what can be added and taken away from the
performance end and the audience end that might make the difference in laughter
being triggered or not”?
From the performance end, for example, it might be
gesture that helps just enough to make the joke or bit work in getting the
laugh, or getting a much bigger laugh. So, what work was the gesture doing in
terms of empathy, falsifying a belief (identifying an error), or on the issue
of changed status or well being? What could the gesture be adding that pushes
any of these trigger requirements over the threshold? Is it a sign being read?
It could be, or it could just be supplying emphasis or attitude or a “play
signal” that makes or breaks the laugh. Gestures can be funny in and of
themselves of course, provided that the context is also enacted
communicatively. In the right context even a verbal joke can consist of a mere
gesture, as in Morgenbesser’s famous reply to Austin’s pronouncement that in no
languages do double positives create negatives… ” to which he replied “Yeah,
Yeah!” The context rather than the words themselves contains the gesture here,
but the tone of voice probably carried it. (I have always wondered how big of a
laugh he got---this would depend on if the audience felt “safe” to laugh at the
falsified belief of Austin! Whatever the change in vocal or physical inflection
or timing, the failure any joke or bit has to be a failure of one of the
trigger requirements: the gesture that failed to communicate as incongruous, as
evidence of a false belief, as the falsification of a belief, or it fails to
punctuate or direct the audience attention to the resolution of the incongruity
at the right time.
On the audience end, the failure of one sure-fire joke is
harder to explain than would be the failure of most of them. Anyone who has
ever directed or performed in a comedy or done standup knows that audiences can
differ greatly in their “willingness” to laugh and that audience size has
something to do with it, as if there were a critical mass for laughter. The
size and arrangement of the audience and playing space and the resultant
qualities and levels of intimacy and distance have been studied in relation to
comedy only recently (Rutter). Having directed thirty or so comedies and
attended most of the performances I can attest that the biggest and most
sustained laughs seem to happen in audiences of over a hundred people. My
unscientific estimation is that the laughter doesn’t get much more frequent or
intense with larger audiences, even when a 300 seat theatre is only half full.
It may be significant that 150 are close to the “Dunbar number” or the
estimated size of the average hunter-gatherer group. If there are too many
loners and not enough groups of friends the variables predict that the audience
makeup will be less conducive to laughter. This however wouldn’t be the case
for our hypothesized audience since it has been laughing at most of the jokes with
the exception of our example dud.
I have said little
about timing, but it is the most interactive domain of the performance-audience
relationship. The relevant variable in evoking laughter is the distance between
the “set up” and the “punch line” or in physical comedy between the set-up and
the surprise or anticipated in error. Giles and Oxford (1970 ) called the
“cognitive distance” between these events the ‘time-span’ of the humor. Short
time-span humor occurs when the setting of the scene is made quite explicit at
the time of the punch line as in slapstick or sarcasm. When time-spans become
longer as in puns or satire, the scene setting has become less explicit and the
laugher has to keep the original event in mind in order to make the punch-line
or “blow off” meaningful and funny. Since children laugh and respond to
physical comedy long before they can comprehend language or develop long term
memory, it seems likely that a knowledge based approach best explains laughter
triggers that are somewhat “hidden” in speech. The cognitive distance between
the set up and denouement of a performed joke or bit of business cannot be too
long, for reasons that become clear in my analysis of the double take below.
One of the first technical lessons about comedy I learned
was from an acting teacher who told us not to anticipate laughs, but listen to
them; do not let them die out completely before coming back in with the next
line; and always execute a movement of some sort just before breaking back in. This
instruction is an axiom, an easily remembered mantra like “look both ways
before crossing” in other words, a theory through which to hone an embodied
practice. A skilled comedian or clown knows how to surf on the swell of
audience laughter in such a way that the dismount smoothes the audience back
into the action or conversation. This keeps the pacing and momentum of the crowd’s
mood in-synch with the performance, suggesting both an intuitive sense that
relies partly on Simulation and the habitual spontaneity of embodied practice,
and partly on conscious axioms that are passed on through the cultural
inheritance. Theatre, sports and jazz practice provide many examples of such
axioms, from persistent superstitions to durable fundamentals like “keep your
eye on the ball,” and “play when the horn player breathes.” So the timing
necessary to the laughter trigger is something that can be learned and
theorized for practical use, even before it has become the embodied skill it is
based on. As a final catch all example that begins and ends with timing, I will
quickly schematize the basic “double-take” of physical comedy using a
combination of TT and ST.
The double take is a durable bit of shtick that can be as
challenging to master as a difficult technical passage in music or a repeatable
golf swing. According to John Wright, Lecoq maintained that the first take
should be equally distanced between the start of the action and the second take
(Wright 160). Wright disputes this but recognizes that the axiom is based on a
valid principle, “There’s a danger we’ll forget the first take completely, so
that the second take will look like another incident”(16). How long a performer
might stretch this time between takes depends on how long that the performer
can keep the audience’s attention on the first take while they are still simulating
his lack of response.
In terms of the
false belief criteria, the second take falsifies the belief that there was
nothing to react to on the first take. The ideal first take is just an acknowledgement
with nothing on it, no attitude, no real awareness even. At the heart of the
double-take is a truth about just how active or inactive a process perception can
be. The double- take demonstrates an axiom of folk psychology, that people will
look without seeing, or see without noticing things. Thus, the ideal second
take is as exaggerated as the delay time warrants. Between takes, the audience
must balance on the incongruity of believing that the clown has this false
belief, that a villain has sat down next to him and that he hasn’t noticed. We
are tossed in the air but we know we’ll be caught, so the falling, not the
fall, makes us laugh.
When inexperienced actors anticipate each other’s timing
as well as the audience’s response they tend to over-punctuate or resort to their
own non-Duchenne laughter and overt signaling of “laugh cues.” Here we have
interactivity working against the laugh through the same feedback process that
can help laughter gain momentum. Directors of comedy know that laughs also need
to be spaced and paced to build and sustain over the course of the performance.
If the audience sits for a long time without laughing, the second act will
never be able to make up the momentum, whereas if the first act is too funny,
too often the audience becomes tired from the strain of laughing hard and
frequently. The high degree of shared attention and interactivity between a
great clown and a great audience is breathtaking, and when every age group can
laugh at a wordless gag, ( in the presence of a great clown or a silent show
like Mummenshantz), it is an even more unifying experience than an entire
audience agreeing about almost anything else. This is why television imitates
the audience with laugh tracks and if not, why timing of action and editing is best
built on reactions at the human scale.
There’s an embodied metaphorical relationship between
verbal humor and physical comedy. Just as more complex, higher and more
symbolic cognition is ultimately based on sensorimotor action schemata; all
varieties of verbal humor can be seen as metaphorical extensions of basic
physical mishaps, which we react to, like pre-false belief infants, with
visceral, simulation-based responses. This analogy serves also between
recognizing incongruity and “correcting” it (solving or –re-solving the
incongruity) and “relief of passing danger”- which is a reflex, like laughter
at broad physical comedy. Pre-false belief infants can laugh, not just through
contagion and imitation but when their recognition of incongruity is safely
challenged. Studies of autistic individuals and subjects who suffer damage to
their right-frontal lobe often lose their ability to appreciate verbal humor,
though they laugh at broad slapstick and some socially inappropriate actions. My
current research begins with the likelihood that we will find that a few very
basic prototype experiences are the root of why humans laugh at physical
comedy, and by schematic extension, all humor.
is unlikely that any one variable ever has only one constraining cause, but an
interesting study could be made of performers’ and directors’ own explanations
of audience behavior, including superstitions and self-fulfilling prophecies
like “second night let-down.” While we will never pin down all the variables
exactly, taking the cognitive and social norms into consideration may enable us
to reverse engineer historical jokes and comedic styles more accurately. Cognitive norms and cultural norms overlap, but their comic
transgression often contrasts them in their incongruity. The recognition
that most humorous events employ framing and context in order to trigger
laughter acknowledges information-based approaches to the attribution of false
belief, whereas the timing and joint attention required for the comic process
to unfold seems best understood as Simulation. Extreme seriousness was not a
flexible enough mental state for our hominid ancestors, who had to deal with
many surprises in a dangerous and often rapidly
changing environment. Thus, a neural vacillation similar to motivational
conflict causes an involuntary vocalized displacement activity which is also a
signal to conspecifics that “all is well after all.” That all is actually not
well, despite the laughter, is an incongruity that takes more than mere
recognition to find funny.
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