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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Everyday Life in the Late 50s for 8/5/14.

2.  The Dentist Bites
     One of the signs of aging for me is that the dentist seems very serious and concerned about the future of my teeth these days. 
     I always choose female dentists and so far have not encountered one with large hands. Small hands help in feeling less “probed.” Lying on your back with your mouth open is beyond supplication and into the area of submission.
      The technology and presentation at the dentist have improved drastically since I was a kid with problem teeth.  But when you get old, you don’t really want to see the digital close-ups and x-rays of your worn, decaying teeth on a big screen pulled down in front of your face. The dental profession knows that on sight of these images you will exclaim in horror, “Just do it! Whatever it means, whatever it costs….fix that!”

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