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Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Small Print Conspiracy

Getting older means adapting to the changing world with fewer and fewer advantages, both for you and because of you. At first I thought I was getting senile and paranoid that things were changing just to make life harder for older people. Then I had the following experience:
I noticed that the print on everything is getting smaller and smaller. This is because no one reads anymore. But this is also a way of sneaking in changes so that no one who can read will notice. I decided to test my theory with a magnifying glass after the labels on apples shrunk the print considerably. My favorite apples are Braeburns. They are one of the few varieties that I can still smell and taste. I noticed that they too, were starting to lose their flavor. I looked at the label with my magnifying glass. It read “Brainburn” instead of Braeburn, and “New Zeroland” instead of New Zealand.  I looked around for someone to show it to, but I had become invisible. 


Juanita said...

I was looking for the "like" icon--is that ever called a likon?--and now the print on my comment has shrunk..did you do this?

Charles B. Davis said...

LOL! No I don't know how to make the print shrink! It does that on its own.