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Friday, September 22, 2017

My Barbara Ore Story

     I taught Drama for a decade at Sacramento Country Day School and Barbara was Middle School Principal for all that time. From my first day on, she was helpful and encouraging to me.
     One spring the Middle School Play was “The Madwoman of Chaillot.” It was a comedy/fantasy with political overtones. Basically, the Paris street people spread reports of vast oil deposits under the Madwoman’s house. This rumor lures all the greedy rich people into a sort of hell-mouth in the basement, and they close a giant trap door on them. The sun comes out, the birds sing, and the street people are happy.  A silly fairy tale, but a good show for a big cast and more than the usual good female roles.
    One afternoon we were rehearsing the play and Mrs. Ore walked in calmly and asked to speak to me.
      “I have read the play and I must tell you that I think we may have a problem” she said.  “Doing a play about sending rich people to hell may not go over well with the patrons of the school. I think we’ll get calls from parents once they know what it’s about and we’ll have to cancel. So, we probably should head off a painful last-minute cancellation and just cancel the play now.”
I was completely flabbergasted. I hemmed and hawed, “But, we’ve done things much more political than this and got no complaints…. I can’t believe this. Do you really think we’ll have to cancel?”
Barbara just sighed and said, “I think we should ask the students what they think.”
The kids had been sitting quiet as statues, looking down and feeling, I thought, embarrassed for me and disappointed, since they liked the play. I turned around to the entire class shouting, “April Fool.”

     It was April the 1st and I was so busy with the play that I forgot. I fell to floor. The cast had asked Mrs. Ore to participate in this scheme, although I think it was mostly Tracy Minicucci. Barbara’s prank on me was the absolute best performance that year, and the best trick anyone ever played on me. I completely fell for it. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey CB! I'd love to take credit for pranking you but I'm not sure it was my idea! I also can't be sure because my memory is notta so good! Hope you're well and thanks for being a great teacher!